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Malic acid – formula, properties and application









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發表於 2024-3-16 18:09:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

There are several organic acids in nature, for example, citric, lactic and butyric acids. Acids are also present, among others, in apples valued for their unique flavor, richness in vitamins, fiber and minerals. What properties and uses does malic acid have and where can it be found? Below is the answer. Published:  Malic acid – occurrence Is malic acid only found in green apples? Of course not! This acidic compound is also found in many other fruits: rowan berries, cherries, currants, pears, quinces, grapes. It is present in some species of perennial plants, for example, in rhubarb, which is very popular and appreciated in Poland. On an industrial scale, it would be difficult to obtain the desired amounts of malic acid from fruit alone. Therefore, producers often use acidum malicum obtained artificially by chemical methods or fermentation methods. What is malic acid? We already know that malic acid is an organic chemical compound. This substance is formed as a byproduct of sugar metabolic processes and comes under various names, such as: hydroxysuccinic acid, 2-hydroxybutanedioic acid, malicum acid, malic acid, Acidity regulator E296. Malic acid belongs to the group of natural hydroxy acids.

This means that the molecule contains a hydroxyl group, which consists of oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). How can you describe malic acid? The structural formula of acidum malicum is the following: HOOC–CH(OH)–CH 2 –COOH. The molecular formula of malic acid is: C 4 H 6 O 5. As an optically active compound, this acid is classified into two forms: L-malic acid (left-handed form, found in fruits), D-malic acid (right-handed form, not found in nature). As a result of industrial treatment of hydroxysuccinic acid, a mixture is formed in the form of a racemate (DL-malic acid), which has no optical CZ Leads  activity. Malic acid – properties and action How to recognize acidum malicum? It is a crystalline, white or yellowish substance with a characteristic sour taste, well soluble in water and ethanol. Contact with crystals irritates the skin and mucosa of the human eye. L-malic acid and D-malic acid melt at 100°C and begin to boil at 140°C. The compound has many valuable properties and actions: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, conservation, glow, regulate the acidity of other substances, support human metabolism. What else should you know about malic acid? It is odorless and has a molecular weight of 134.09 g/mol. At high temperatures, above 140 °C, and under anaerobic conditions, acidum malicum is converted into fumaric and maleic acid.

Industrial application of malic acid Natural acids of organic origin have long been used in industry. Malic acid serves, among others, as a preservative and acidity regulator, such as the popular E296, which is added to: preserves, swarms, jam, sweet, jellies, etc. In food production, an ingredient called E296 is used as one of the best substitutes for citric acid. It keeps products fresh and attractive for longer. The acid is effective in preventing the appearance of turbidity and the loss of color of various substances. In the chemical industry, malic acid is also useful in the organic synthesis process. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain, among others, esters used in the production of cleaning products and cosmetics. Manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry make good use of the beneficial properties of acidum malicum. Organic acid is a healthy stimulant of the digestive system and improves the condition of the epidermis, which is why it is used as an ingredient in medicated rinses, capsules and dietary supplements. Malic acid: use in cosmetics and the beauty industry The antibacterial, stabilizing, preservative and brightening properties of acidum malicum are especially appreciated by manufacturers in the cosmetic and beauty industry. Malic acid is used as an ingredient in many daily cosmetics, such as: moisturizing and anti-wrinkle creams, illuminating masks for face and hair, shampoos and hair rinses (including bleaches, color fixatives), regenerating and cleansing milks and tonics (soothing, clarifying, anti-acne), Natural rinses for hair and nails.

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