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José Gilberto Moreno: “The health safety ratios in public transport are ver...









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發表於 2024-3-12 15:17:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

The WHO covid expert and director of the Elder Museum of Science affirms that it will not be unusual for many people to continue wearing the mask in the future even if the virus disappears. Go to download José Gilberto Moreno affirms that more than fear of contagion of covid-19 on public transport, what has existed is “prudence” until the evidence has shown that these are safe spaces. He affirms that in the scientific framework there has been a permanent debate in this regard, which has sometimes been interpreted as “before one thing was said and now another”, but the truth is that scientific research involves constant changes of position. Regarding transportation, he affirms that the consensus regarding its high safety has arrived thanks to compliance with the measures, the fact that the protocols have been corrected, the mandatory use of masks, compliance with capacity, etc.: “We can say that The risk has been greatly minimized. We are talking about very high safety ratios.” New habits He points out that the measures that have been implemented are of a hygienic-sanitary nature and "are not made to punish" but to try to avoid infections through common sense recommendations "that are incorporated into our habits." For this reason, he understands that it will not be unusual to see people wearing masks or being more meticulous in cleaning their hands in the future: “It will not be due to legal compliance, but as a health habit.

The InnoBankia awards highlight Emalsa as the best business trajectory Efficient water management is key to sustainability Efficient water management is key to sustainability Councilor Inmaculada Medina points out that the city has the largest water desalination capacity in all of Spain. Go to download The InnoBankia awards, organized by La Provincia/Diario de Las Palmas and Prensa Ibérica, and sponsored by Bankia, this year highlighted the company Emalsa as the Best Business Career, thus recognizing the work of thirty-six years in the supply of water to the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The city's Public Services Councilor, Inmaculada Medina, recalls that Emalsa's work dates back to the times when water WhatsApp Number List rationing was in force in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, while today the city is the first of Spain in desalination level. In addition, he is satisfied with the “social peace” around water management in the city and remembers previous stages of “conflicts.” He attributes a good part of this change in attitude to the work of the mayor, Augusto Hidalgo. Infecar Conecta hosts a webinar on the effects of the pandemic on the maritime industry Elba Bueno, manager of the Canary Islands Maritime Marine Cluster, points out that the effects and challenges of covid on the sector will be analyzed. Go to download This December 15, starting at 10:30 a.m., Infecar Conecta hosts a webinar on the difficulties of the maritime industry during the pandemic.

The manager of the Canary Islands Maritime Marine Cluster, Elba Bueno, is pleased that Infecar gives the opportunity to develop an international event under the present conditions, especially when an issue of such interest for the economy of the islands is going to be addressed. Thus, Bueno points out, the impact of the crisis will be analyzed in the different areas and levels of port activity worldwide and in comparison with the crisis of 2008. He anticipates that one of the conclusions that can be drawn is that the crisis has not affected all regions in the same way. 4Port Project The webinar is promoted by the Cabildo of Gran Canaria, and organized by Infecar, which has the collaboration of the Canary Islands Maritime Cluster, under the framework of the 4Port project, financed by the second call of the INTERREG MAC 2014-2020 territorial cooperation program, 85% co-financed with FEDER funds, and the Maritime Port Chair of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, PORMAR. It will have the participation of Theo Notteboom, Director of the Center for Maritime and Inland Logistics of Eurasia (CEMIL), a notable professional in the industry, as well as expert representatives of the sector such as María Ceballos, Junior Analyst of Petroleum and Maritime Transport, Petroineos Trading Ltd , and Lourdes Trujillo, Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


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