You may not believe that the DigiKala site has become big and famous as well, and the sales agent is given an amount for the sale of each product on DigiKala. If you are interested in learning more about cooperation in sales, I suggest the article What is Affiliate Marketing? (affiliate marketing) Read about making money from affiliate marketing . Cooperation in selling a work at home on the Internet 5- Virtual assistants Yes, you guessed right! It means providing secretarial, technical, etc. services at home. To put it simply, the internet business office is at home.
Of course, the number of companies or service providers in Kuwait Phone Number Data this field are still limited, but this trend will increase in the future. 6- Providing content services editing, etc., this is a great way for you. Fortunately, you can lead this business at home with peace of mind and take on projects and earn money. 7- Programming business In today's era, programming and skills in this field are a necessity both in Iran and outside of Iran. From web programming to applications and robots, etc., they are all valuable and necessary, therefore, skill in this business can lead you to good income generation.
Resale of products or goods It is mediation. In this business, you have to buy a number of products at a certain price and sell them at a higher price on your website. This can be very profitable depending on your capital, interest, and marketing. 9-Preparation of audio or electronic books With the increase in the price of paper and books as a whole, the audio or electronic book market has become more prosperous than before to the point where many people prefer to buy these books and use them at different times. One of the factors of this boom can be considered the availability of books at any time and place.