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Walks in the fresh air and trips to nature also helped relieve stress









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-2-29 14:34:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Every evening I devoted myself to studying. It was not difficult to study - after all, I had a good base. It was only necessary to obtain new knowledge and systematize it. And the Java language has always been interesting to me - it can be used to solve various problems, including mobile development. My dream is to create my own application. I came to class prepared. I read the manual in advance, formulated questions for the teacher, and even often did my homework before the webinar.

And it seems to me that such preliminary preparation is very important, because Australia Phone Number Data  it is difficult to perceive information during a webinar - you need to concentrate in front of a rather static picture on the screen for at least an hour. I read a lot, especially liked these books: "Java" The Professional's Library by Kay Horstmann and Gary Cornell; "Learning Java" by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates; Android Development by Brian Hardy and Bill Phillips. In order to feel normal in the daily work and study mode, I played sports, allocated enough time for sleep and walks.

There were days when I slept 4 hours. But then I just couldn’t absorb the information, so I revised my regimen. When difficult thoughts about the future arose - because it was uncertain for quite a long time - I went to the gym and switched gears. . Came to Career Day and found a job I was taking the course for two months when GeekBrains announced that Career Day would take place .


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