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The interest rate on the ten-year Spanish bond touched the fateful 7% for ...









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-10 12:29:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

Greece and Portugal. All the alarms went off at the economic leadership of the Government. Moncloa considers that the solution is no longer in Spain's hands and that if the ECB does not act, the country's intervention is taken for granted.  “If the ECB does not act, the markets are dragging us into intervention. “Spain cannot last much longer with this country risk . ” This is what a Government source, consulted by El Confidencial Digital, expressed yesterday at the time when the risk premium was skyrocketing above 550 basis points . And Mariano Rajoy 's economic team no longer knows what to do. They recognize that the solution is not in their hands. They admit that what is at stake these days is the future of the euro and that already exceeds the Spanish Government's room for maneuver. They consider that Europe is running out of time, but so is Spain. “Either Europe saves Spain, or the country's intervention will be inevitable .

The Government is baffled The situation in the Government is very nervous , according to sources from the Executive itself. Mariano Rajoy urgently summoned the vice president, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, yesterday in Congress, after the Thursday meeting of the Delegate Committee on Economic Affairs ; the Minister of  Middle East Mobile Number List Economy, Luis de Guindos ; and that of the Treasury, Cristóbal Montoro . The economic ministers privately acknowledge that they are baffled . They don't speak, because they don't know exactly what to say, what specific message to send . But they are aware that prudence is now the most important thing. Above all, they do not want panic to spread among the population. The rescue has not been 'sold' well The Government admits that Spain has not known how to sell the bank bailout abroad . They have realized that the European media are offering a totally different version to that maintained by the Spanish Government.

It is recognized that the strategy to avoid saying the word rescue has not been entirely effective. It has not been possible to relax the risk premium , nor to clear up doubts about Spain's solvency. exp-player-logo Morant vindicates the role of young people: "It is time to stop to give lessons and give them spaces for representation" On the contrary, it has contributed to generating greater uncertainty among international investors, who are skeptical because they do not yet know the fine print of the European agreement to 'save' Spanish banks. Turbulence due to the situation in Greece Luis de Guindos believes that calm will not reach the markets until after the Greek elections this Sunday. And this has been conveyed to Mariano Rajoy himself . The Government attaches crucial importance to these elections because it considers that they can mark the future of the euro . They attribute much of the volatility in the markets to uncertainty about the results of the polls this weekend.


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