What precautions are necessary when using psychiatric medications?
Drug treatment is indicated in many cases, but some care must be taken to avoid problems. The main points of attention are: The risks of self-medication According to a survey carried out by the Federal Pharmacy Council (CFF), almost half of Brazilians self-medicate at least once a month. Worrying, isn't it? It is no surprise that drug treatment for mental health can only be prescribed by psychiatrists. Indiscriminate use is capable of generating several negative health consequences. Dependence is one of the main risks when a person self-medicates without any control or criteria . When subjecting the body to medication for a long time, the body becomes accustomed to it and, therefore, it may be necessary to take increasingly larger doses to obtain the desired effect. Furthermore, in some cases the use of several medications together can cause vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness. In more serious situations, it can even lead to death. How many cases do not appear in the media about people who die from drug overdoses even when they do not intend to take their own life? This is more common than we think.
The “weaning” process also needs to be monitored, as the psychiatrist analyzes the situation and makes recommendations on gradually reducing the medication in order to avoid adverse effects and prevent what is known as the “rebound effect” (when symptoms may return more frequently). aggressive). Holistic and integrated vision Another point of attention is the fact that, before prescribing any medication, the psychiatrist must DM Databases carry out an individual assessment of the case, analyzing the particular needs of each patient. Therefore, there is no “one-size-fits-all recipe” to be applied to everyone. It is necessary to understand individual history and priorities, taking into account that, to achieve positive results, the treatment strategy should not only consider medications. This is precisely why continuous psychological monitoring is so important as well. Adherence to treatment To achieve the expected results with drug treatment, it is important that there is patient adherence. This means that it is necessary to use the drug appropriately according to the times, doses and time of use.
Since the response to the medication may take days or weeks to occur, it is essential that the patient continues treatment as recommended by the psychiatrist until the reevaluation period. Therefore, having this expertise is also extremely important for being able to guide professionals and exert influence over them. Lifelong Learning In addition to everything we have already said, the leader also needs to be always updated and open to constant knowledge practices. And, even within your specialty, there are a series of subjects that impact the professional routine of leaders – from organizational psychology to market intelligence and new trends in your area of expertise. However, it is important to pay special attention to interpersonal issues, as these will have a greater impact on those led. Because for leadership to be effective, they need to know each of the employees on their team. After all, what motivates one person is not necessarily what will motivate another. Therefore, knowing each person's biggest fears and desires helps leadership create a strategy to be successful at work. Critical thinking Analyzing reality critically is fundamental in several aspects.