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After seeing in the last article how to create a blog, I decided to move on to a closely related topic: social media. And in particular the strategy to obtain shares (hundreds/thousands of shares) and therefore increase social traffic to your website.Plus, I'll apply these strategies to this very post to prove to you that these techniques work.But I'm not here to always tell you the same old things:Write posts on well-known topics.Create clickbait titles for your posts Use lots of images to complement the text WhatsApp Number List Use the social sharing buttons And I'm not belittling what you may have read on the blogs of other web marketers, but I want to point out that this is not a beginner's guide, theoretical, long and boring. Far from it!get free sharesDisclaimer Get Tons of Shares Via AddMeFast How to Automate the Process and Watch Your PC Work Harness the Hidden Power of Content Lockers Have you noticed how many times this page has been shared? Important Disclaimer Today you will learn how to get lots of likes and shares for your website with a simple and immediate black hat technique .
This technique is not illegal, but a little unethical yes. It is not well regarded by many, because it is close to spam.ATTENTION : this black hat technique, like all black hat techniques, should only be applied in 1% of cases (small websites created for testing or short-term projects).I wrote an entire article about this that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to read before you get really hurt!Difference between White, Gray and Black Hat SEO. Because in 99% of cases black hat SEO is NOT worth it .